One of my favourite TV shows of the early 90’s was and still is Northern Exposure.
Here’s a well written, poetic piece on ‘light’ and great visuals and song to go with it from one of the episodes.
I discovered this clip from Lawrence of TanDaoKungFu when he posted it on twitter.
Bob and I loved that show! Pre “reality shows” yet more real in it’s characters and content than what’s on today. Thanks for sharing; I will pass it on. Hugs, Ann
Thanks, I have the whole series on DVD and it’s probably time for Sue and me to sit back and drift back to Alaska by watching this quality show.
Funny how I find all these references to who wrote this poem on the web. I have the original copy written on a napkin in a coffee shop not by me but by one very dear. There are many peices of his work that circulate on the internet for the past 20 years since his days in the Marine Corps, he did not see fame only thing he wanted was the hope that there was someone else out there who could releate to what he was feeling. Every Christmas for years now a poem comes around from a military man who is serving on Christmas eve and some parts are altered after all these years but that to is his heart and soul as well. he feels that credit for writting your feelings is selfish and it takes away a peice of what you put into it, so enjoy the unsigned poems of military or other poetry you see. It is written from the soul. The poem Light was put on Northern Exposure thru entering it to them he just left it unsigned.
who wrote this poem about light. I need to know for it is a beautiful piece. I need the full complete poem. Thanks Peter brown.
Peter, try this link to find out more –