How difficult can it be?
My driveway is about the size of the West Gate Bridge.
All you have to do is to throw the shrink-wrapped, rolled up newspaper about ten metres.
And violá (pardon my French).
You have a newspaper that is dry.
But no.
He tossed it into a puddle of water, soaking the newspaper.
Not something I want to see when I walk down my uneven driveway to pick up my daily newspaper.
Especially when I haven’t had breakfast.
Well, the other day it happened for the second time in a row and I decided to do something about it.
I was angry and I thought about contacting either the newspaper head office or the newsagent to complain immediately.
I walked back up my driveway about 40 metres, which is a marathon for me, and by the time I got to top of the driveway I had calmed down and decided to confront the newsagent.
So I took my wet, sodden, newspapers with me to show him the result of his bad throwing technique.
I wasn’t sure what to expect and was ready to be assertive if I needed to be.
Bu there was no need to be.
He looked at the wet newspapers and examined the subscription paper I’d given him which had my address on it.
He said, ‘Oh, you have that steep drive, don’t you?’
‘Yes, I do.’
‘Well, sometimes it’s difficult throwing the newspaper because of the sharp bend, as I sometimes have a car right behind me.’
‘Oh, I didn’t know that.’
After we both agreed what was the best angle to throw the paper from the car, he offered me a free paper which I gratefully accepted.
Today I walked down my driveway and there it was!
My rolled up newspaper – up my driveway and dry.
Isn’t it amazing what you can achieve when you have a face a face conversation to sort out a misunderstanding.
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