Are you a Twit-Face?
I am. I’m into Twitter and Facebook and both have a different flavour when it comes to social media.
It’s like travelling on a train and you arrive at a station and see your followers standing there.
The twitter train only allows you a short glimpse and a chance to wave to your followers as it speeds away as fast as the twitter stream of messages does.
The Facebook train allows you to get off the train and say ‘g’day’ to your followers and have a good old fashioned yarn (talk). You can then get back on the train at a leisurely pace.
Which train do I prefer?
Well, both. If I want an express train I get on the Twitter train. If I want a leisurely journey and a chance to have a good old yarn I get on the Facebook train.
It all depends on how much time I have and what mood I’m in.
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