Nilsson’s song ‘Everybody’s Talking At Me’ is 40 years old and it still resonates with me.
It’s a great song and was used in the classic movie ‘Midnight Cowboy’ starring Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman.
The lyrics and sound of the song suggests leaving things behind and making a fresh start somewhere else.
We’ve all probably had, at some stage in our lives, faced the situation of having to leave something behind, such as a job, or a personal or professional relationship, and starting all over again.
And those can be painful experiences which we sometimes supress into our subconcious.
But we shouldn’t forget what we have left behind no matter how painful it is as it’s those experiences that make us who we are.
It provides us with an experience that we can draw strength from knowing that we survived and moved on with our lives.
And it also can helps us better accept that experience as part of one’s life journey. Something of the past that no longer interferes with living in the present.
Perhaps it really is ‘one step forward, a glance backwards.’
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